Sanskrit – Human Culture and Civilization

 The Dawn of Human Beings –

Welcome to a journey into a one of its kind story of our human evolution on this wonderful planet of ours. This story belongs to each and every one of us. It is not the story of any race, nation or people but ours as one integral human family having one phenomenal heritage.

This story will be under the main heading of the Sanskrit language and how it transmitted a recorded history of our ancient past that goes back to 15,000 years.

This story is narrated with the spotlight coming from the great personality, philosopher, linguist, economist and spiritual master Shrii PR Sarkar also known as Shrii Shrii A’nandamu’rti. All quotes by him are in brackets :<<>> To use any of his quotations please kindly send in a prior request.

Here we go:

About 8 billion years ago our planet was a glowing gas. The land mass was formed only about 2330 million years ago.

There was only one contiguous land mass from what is now the eastern portion of Africa, including South India and Malaysia, up to Australia. This land – the oldest land mass of the world – consisted mainly of a long island in an archipelago. What is now Canada and Argentina also existed at that time. This land – which covered what is presently the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal, the Indonesian Archipelago, the Deccan plateau, South East Asia and Oceania – has been named Gondwana by  the Austrian geologist Eduard Suess in 1885 after  the Gond people of the Austric race that live in the central portion.

The Austrics called the oldest portion of Gondwana land that has remained above the sea for 300 million years  ‘Rarh’  because of its red soil. Here on an auspicious day, the first human being saw the light of this verdant earth.

This was a great evolutionary leap about one million years ago in several places on this planet. The Australopithecus group branched out into two categories of creatures – chimpanzees and orangutans on one side, and human beings on the other side.

This leap from animal to human is based on inborn longing and the law of attraction of cosmic or divine grace. That first human had the sense of ‘I am ‘…

<<The darkness of evolutionary night began to fade centuries ago when the first ape-like creature deserted his tree-branch kingdom and shambled out into the light of the plain. He was guided by something he could not understand: something un-apelike and impossible for his comrades. Somehow, somewhere in his seething body chemistry, something had changed. In his brain lay the seed of humanity; in his strangely bright eyes, the dark shadow of a hidden dream.

Time passed slowly. The new creatures developed and multiplied. The wonderful changes in their bodies and minds continued; their brains, nerves and glandular systems grew in complexity and specialization. New behaviour patterns evolved and after some time, emotions and feelings unknown and denied to all previous forms of life found their means of expression. The Dawn of Man was reached at that auspicious hour. The waves of thought generated by that first human expression vibrate even to this day in the unconscious mind of every human being. Everyone of us carries within him the hidden memory of that first sunrise, and even beyond it into the darkness of antiquity. We are, by means of this primordial memory, which is part of our human heritage, intimately connected to all forms of life.>>

About Anandaramaa

Neohumanist Education coordinator, meditation teacher, educator
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